Monday, November 18, 2013


I know it's been a month since Sophia's birthday party but I am finally finding the time to start blogging again. Sophia has been/and still is obsessed with Play Doh. When I asked her what kind of birthday party she wanted she immediately said Play Doh!!

I wanted to plan this perfect birthday party where I had her party look just like a party you'd see on Pinterest but a week before Sophia's party I had nothing planned really. I didn't even have invitations made or even know where I was having the party. It was bad. I just wasn't having a good few weeks up to her party. Since nothing was planned I decided to just have her birthday party at our house and invite just a few family & friends.

We had her birthday party the day before her birthday (the 10/19). Last year we had it on her actual birthday, it was fun, but I would like to spend her birthdays just us three as a family. 

I ordered a birthday cake and balloons and just had one table set up in our kitchen. I bought pizza and some finger foods. Laid some play doh out for the kids and put the TV on for the parents. It actually went really good and the best part was I didn't stress out as much as I did with Sophia's other two birthday parties. I may continue to keep it simple from here on out. 

And the most important thing was .. Sophia had a great time! She played with all her friends and was so sweet with sharing her toys in the house. She even let one of her friends leave with butterfly wings but she wanted them. AND we bought Sophia a car for her birthday and she got in it... not even three seconds later another little girl was wanting in and Sophia's car. She got right out of her brand toy and let the little girl and everyone else played. I was SO proud of her.

Now we have LOTS of play doh in our home. And it gets everywhere .... every day. I don't think we will be adding anything Play Doh on Sophia's Christmas wish list this year.