Friday, July 3, 2015


Happy Friday guys! Hope everyone had a good week! Ours was good, went by fast but it was good! Now it's the weekend AND a holiday which I'm so excited for! We have plans to go to a cookout with friends. It'll be fun. And Gary took today off work so I already know it's going to be a good one.

Here are some of my favorites from this week:

001. K E E P I N G  E A C H  O T H E R  E N T E R T A I N E D
I used to worry so much about the age difference between Sophia + Jax. They are only fours apart but I would worry that because of this age gap they wouldn't want to play with each other. Growing up I had a sister that was just two years younger than me and we played all the time. I want that for my children. Now that Jax is getting a little older and hold himself up and ALMOST close to being mobile they having been playing a lot more which makes this momma's heart happy. It also helps that they can keep each other entertained so I can get things done. Sophia is just a good big sister!

002. O B S E S S E D  W I T H  P I N T E R E S T 
image via here

Am I the only one who is obsessed with Pinterest?! I go through phases where I don't get on Pinterest for weeks but then I get on one day and I've pinned a thousand pins and it's dinner time! I can literally spend all day on Pinterest. So much inspiration! I have learned so much about blogging, photography and cooking dinner from it.  

003. P L A Y  T I M E  & N A P  T  I M E 

The pictures above are normal scenes you will see daily during my weeks as a stay at home mom. Sophia is getting better at being able to play by herself now that her brother is here when I'm nursing him or he's napping. It was hard for her at first because she was so used to having me to sit down and play with her but baby brother needs me to. I do try to play with her when I am able to put Jax down for a nap without him needing me there beside him. He's getting better at napping by himself. 

004. L I B R A R Y  D A T E  W I  T H  S O P H I A
Yesterday my good friend Megan randomly stopped by the house to say hi and told me to get out of the house with Sophia while she watched Jax so Sophia and I headed to the library. Sophia and I hardly ever get time to just me and her so we both enjoyed it. She picked out a book & I FINALLY got ahold of 'You Are A Badass'. I've heard nothing but amazing things about this book so I'm excited to read it. I'm already about 30 pages in & enjoy it so far. Have you read this book?

005. F R E E  C L E A N  E A T I N G  G R O U P 
quote image via 
I mentioned yesterday about starting back up with the 21 Day Fix + Shakeology. I'm also getting back into coaching again and will be starting off with a Free Five Day Eating Group starting on Monday July 6th. Anyone is welcome to join! It'll be a Facebook group where my team and I will be sharing meal plans, recipes, motivation, work outs and grocery lists! If you are working on getting healthier or fit this is a great way of learning about setting healthy eating habits! AND IT'S FREE! If you are interested please let me know! ( or comment below) We'd love to have you!

Hope you have a fun & safe holiday weekend!!