Thursday, July 14, 2016


Hello! So, it's been FOREVER since I've posted on here! I started working full time again and am pregnant with baby # 3!! Two main reasons why I've neglected the blog! But I wanted to get on here to share this beautiful dress I received from Pink Blush Maternity.
Have you checked them out? They have the cutest maternity clothes (and non maternity too). I have a few of their items but this dress is my new favorite! The material of the dress was perfect for chasing around a toddler and the low cut top made it easy to nurse Jax. And the floral design... absolutely beautiful! I'm loving everything floral with this pregnancy with my little lady. 

Now for the best part of this post! I am teaming up with Pink Blush Maternity and hosting a giveaway! The winner will win a $75 Pink Blush Gift Card !! All you have to do is enter using Rafflecopter below. This giveaway is not available to those of who have won a Pink Blush giveaway in the past 3 months.
 The giveaway will close Sunday July 17th at 12:00 am EST.
Winner will be announced on the blog and by email next week!

Monday, November 9, 2015


This Halloween was so much fun with two little ones! My beautiful goddess and handsome gladiator had a great time trick or treating too! Gary had to work so it was just me and the littles but we went trick or treating in our neighborhood and ended up with a TON of candy! I didn't get many pictures of Sophia going door to door because I was carrying Jax but I did sneak in some pictures during our little trick or treating break. Sophia begged to take a Frozen gift bag as her candy bag and in the end it worked out because of all the candy we got! The whole bag was almost filled up!

When we were all done trick or treating I asked Sophia if she had fun and she said "Yes, but next year will be even more fun because Jax will be walking and we can hold hands trick or treating!" My sweet Sophia. I wanted to cry when she said that! I can't wait until next year to see them trick or treating together. 

Hope everyone had a fun Halloween & Trick or Treat too! 

Friday, November 6, 2015


 Ah! I'm finally getting on here and posting some pictures from Sophia + Jax's tribal themed birthday party a couple of weeks ago! We celebrated on Jax's actual birthday (October 24th) at our house. My plan was to have the party outside with a bonfire. The entire week before the party the weather looked amazing... then it decided to rain the entire day. So the party was moved inside and on our back porch. It was kind of hectic but everyone still had a lot of fun! 

My friend Megan did such an amazing job with the food and decorations. I didn't want to take any of it down after the party and honestly kept it up for a couple of days! Because it was inside and on the back porch the lighting wasn't the greatest but Megan's sister was so nice and took pictures for me so I could enjoy the party! There were 300+ pictures taken at the party but these are my favorites!Miss Sophia was so busy playing with her friends that she wouldn't even stop for a picture so that's why there seems to be more of Jax. I'm sure he'll be the same way in a couple of years!

 I'm so happy that everyone had fun and can not believe I have a FIVE and ONE year old now! I am so thankful to have such healthy beautiful babies AND for everyone who came and celebrated with us! 

Here's a photo dump of my favorite pictures:

Monday, October 5, 2015


Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a good weekend! Ours was good and relaxing like almost all our weekends are. The weather was pretty cold and rainy at the beginning but it was beautiful yesterday!

We went costume shopping yesterday. Our plan was to only buy costumes for the kids but Gary and I ended up finding costumes that we liked! We are all dressing a like! I'm SO excited! I'm going to keep it a secret until Halloween!

After we got home from costume shopping we headed to our old house (that my mom still owns) to see if there were any apples on the trees. There were just a few but it ended up the perfect spot to take some pictures of the kids. So I took A LOT!

We also did eat some delicious banana bread, taco soup and chili that my mom made this weekend. It's nice living next door to them because we got a lot of delicious meals!

Now to another busy week! I still have birthday party planning to do + Sophia has a field trip tomorrow to a local pumpkin patch!

Today I'm grateful for relaxing weekends at home, this beautiful weather and delicious meals that my mom cooks for all of us. Linking up to Emily's A Grateful Heart linkup. What are you grateful for?

Grateful Heart w/ Ember Grey

And now for all of the pictures I took yesterday at our old home.